Free Markets promote a lie.

The Pandemic has had its influences upon all aspects of the economy and so called free market through out the Globe, and our multi national corporations have studied the situation and brought about a strategy that will in time make them lots of money.
Our markets are inbreed and highly managed. When you hear of a crisis happening, it is a element within the said market that is trying to go rogue, and bring about profit for itself and not the whole controlled market. Examples would be The OPEC Embargo, Venezuelan Oil adventure under Hugo Chavez,  showing how the economic might of this so called free market can cripple and manipulate smaller economic groups or nations.
I predict an escalation in prices of all things needed in North America and the E.U.  Food, hydro and energy used to heat homes, services , Gas for our means of transportation will all increase before the year is out to levels not seen for some time. Why may you ask are these prices increasing?
Housing : Our leaders have little understanding what “low Cost affordable housing” truly is, let alone be willing to do something about it. The Real Estate and Development  lobby has these “Leaders” in their pockets. Simply put it is not in our leaders benefit to help their fellow citizens looking for real affordable housing. There is nothing for them, but work that is deemed unneeded. Tag free market sets the standards in housing prices right?
Supplier Chain: There are claims that products cannot make it to grocery stores, or to our hardware, retail stores, therefore this scarcity brings the cost and prices upon say food higher each month. I have communicated with meat suppliers, who tell me a corporate decision was made to hold off on shipping to create a false scarcity thereby driving up prices. Most businesses lost money due to the Pandemic, except for the so called essential like grocers, hardware and supply stores, as well as all utilities. Lost profit must be found, therefore corporations, businesses, suppliers and even restaurants and mom and pop outfits have driven up their prices trying to make up for losses during 2019-2020.There is a problem with the supply chain. There are not enough ships to transport metal crates full of imported items to their markets. That is a result of regulations placed upon the transportation firms by North American and E.U. Governments. 2019-2020 were dismal years for these firms too. Time to profit from the demands of the masses. That is us Folks. You are paying dearly for all things whether necessary or not. A 2×4 wood plank has double in cost. Speaking with wood suppliers, I was told these prices will not go down for the fore seeable future. They are experiencing a self made scarcity of product, and are pricing their products accordingly.
Gas:  There is a glut within the oil and gas sector, yet the prices for this essential product continue to rise. In Canada it is believed that prices will hit 1.50 liter by the end of the year. The Free Market” is trying to synchronize prices between North America and the U.E. Prices will continue to rise just as our governments push for electric cars to become the new product upon our roads. Surprised? You should not be. The market place is going to hit our pocket books for every dollar it can get. Once electric cars are the preferred means of transportation, the cost of electricity and batters along with repairs will increase, not decrease as you’d expect.
Ultimately the consumer is a easily manipulated sucker. The corporations you trust will milk us for all the profits they can get. Truly the consumer, your fellow citizens need to stand up to these powerful corporate lobby’s and place pressure upon our elected officials to do the right thing for us, not themselves. 38% of all public officials will seek employment with one of these large corporations. Lawyers will be lawyers, and bottom feeders will get the prime jobs offered to them for carrying the corporate message…Free Markets Reign.
Steven KaszabBradford,

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